Friday, 17 September 2010

Final Treatment

Film Title: Interchange

Duration: 5 minutes

Audience: Certificate 12A. Our target audience is people aged 15 - 25 and would appeal to both genders.

Genre: Drama

First shot shows a close up of the character Holly’s arm sliding down a banister as she runs down some stairs.Another close up reveals a train time’s board. Final close up. The next shots show Holly asking at the counter for a one-way ticket to London. The following shot is of Holly getting on to a train. As Holly gets on the train and sits down, a voice over pursues as Holly introduces herself by describing her background.
While the voice over is on, a series of flashbacks take place that relate to the voice over topic.
Flashback 1 – Holly Pearson breaking into a house.
The shot then changes back to Holly sat on the train and she receives a text from Harley saying ‘I forgive you, Sheffield train station?’ Holly deletes this message.
Flashback 2 – Voice over of Holly saying how life seemed to get better when she met Harley. Then see the meeting of the two. Both bump into each other in Sheffield train station. Sheffield sign is shown in background of the shot.
Shot quickly back to on the train at present time and a stranger sits down next to Holly.
Flashback 3 – Voice over continues but says she was still living rough, and Holly is shown walking round streets with her backpack, she bumps into Harley again and they hug and he says see you tomorrow then. After he’s walked off she sets up her sleeping bag.
Shot again back to the train, conductor announces a random train stop.
Flashback 4 – Holly is shown climbing through a window of a house, breaking in. She starts putting things in her bag, ornaments etc. then a light comes on and Harley is stood there. It’s his house. Harley shouts and Holly apologises and runs off.
The shot focuses back to the present again with Holly on the train. Holly’s voice over says, “you’re probably wondering what happened after that. Well I ran away and got on this train”.
Flashback 5 – while this voice over happens, shot of Holly running away.
Last scene back to present time and the conductor announces Sheffield stop. Holly gets up quickly and says, “excuse me I need to get off” and pushes past the person sat next to her. Holly getting off the train and the Sheffield train station sign is the last shot

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