Thursday, 30 September 2010


In order to create a successful production, I believe it is key to research thoroughly the different aspects of a film and the production process. This involves planning our film, filming our production, audience research and reactions to our film, and marketing/distribution ideas also, to name but a few, therefore in later blog posts I will attempt to adress these ideas by putting posts relating to each idea. We have decided to make a drama film, therefore we need to understand what makes a drama film what it is, in other words what conventions it has. Therefore, I will have to personally research these conventions whilst looking at other films. These are the examples I have come up with: Real life events, Realistic characters, Not foucused on special effects, comedy or unrealistic events Plot driven, Depression, Teenage characters, Life struggles, Loss of life, Drugs, Sex, Violence On a realistic scale. I believe a good example of a drama to be 'The Fighter' which is based on a true story and follows the life of a boxer, through his struggles in life. The film is not unrealistic, it is based on true events, and also uses many of the conventions listed above such as drugs, life struggles, sex, violence in a realistic scale and depression. Although it is a boxing film, there is very little action based around boxing (e.g films such as the Rocky Saga), it is plot driven.

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