Friday, 10 September 2010

film teatment ideas.

Character Profiles:

Holly: a 18 year old girl who has been brought up by a gang of gypsy thief's and murders who tort her to kill and steal for a living. As she grows up she realizes that it is wrong to kill and steal but is made to continue doing it for her father who is part of the gang. Then one day she decides to run away and tries starting a fresh life but after realizing her only talents where stealing and killing she is forced to return to her old ways to earn money to be able to live. Her past has left her to be very untrusting of people and insecure.

Andrew: An 18 year old lad studying at college, who lives a normal life, plays football and likes to party. He is a very soical and trust worthy person who has a good upbringing. He is very gullible and trusts people easily but also has high opinions of people and gets to know them for who they are before judging them.

Story Line:

The story begins with Holly running onto a train then she begins to tell her story of her past of been brought up as a gypsy. This includes flash backs about important parts of her past which have made her who she is. Then there are various shots of Andrew playing football with his mates before them leaving him and him walking through the park. As he travels towards home he puts his iPod in which forces him to walk into holly. This is when the characters meet for the first time. . He finds her phone and returns it to her and they begin to meet up as friends. As they become close he begins to like her and attempts to kiss her and she pushes him away and walks away. Then he returns home and she begins to prepare to steal from a house. When she arrives she brakes in through the back window and then to her surprise she finds it’s his house and she then in shock points her gun at him. He pleads with her to stop and tells her she can change but she then brakes down in tears and points the gun at her head before running away once more. The film ends with her on the train once again looking at photo of them together.


Genre: The genre of the film is drama so I decided to look for a film clip of the same genre. I watched "An Education" as the story is similar as it has the same genre and also revolves around a man and a women.

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